Frames of Reference is an arbitrary set of axes with reference to which the position or motion of something is described or physical laws are formulated.
Fossil record, history of life as documented by fossils, the remains or imprints of organisms from earlier geological periods preserved in sedimentary rock.
The antediluvian period is the time period chronicled in the Bible between the fall of humans and the Genesis flood narrative in the biblical cosmology.
Luke 17:31-33 On that day, let no one on the housetop come down to retrieve his possessions. Likewise, let no one in the field return for anything he has left behind. 32 RememberLot’swife!33 Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.
Apart from the small fluctuations discussed above (one part in 100,000), the observed cosmic microwave background radiation exhibits a high degree of Isotropy, a zeroth order fact that presents both satisfaction and difficulty for a comprehensive theory.
Anisotropy, in physics, the quality of exhibiting properties with different values when measured along axes in different directions.
The very subtle Anisotropy observed in the Cosmic Microwave Background reveals an Axis that is in perfect alignment with the Plane of the Ecliptic of Earth in our Solar System, thus solidifying Earth’s position at the Centroid of the Observable Universe.
A KNIGHT of the POWER of the AIR is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a head of state for service to a monarch, the church or a country.
Neo-Geocentric Universe model, any theory of the structure of the solar system (or the universe) in which Earth is assumed to be at the center of it all.
energy How close can we to duplicate the conditions of big – big bang diagramenergy How close can we to duplicate the conditions of big – big bang diagramenergy How close can we to duplicate the conditions of big – big bang diagram
Illustration Big Bang Theory Phases Place Stock Vector – big bang diagramIllustration Big Bang Theory Phases Place Stock Vector – big bang diagramIllustration Big Bang Theory Phases Place Stock Vector – big bang diagram
Aethereal is something that is fragile, or that is light and airy, or something that is from heaven. An example of something aethereal is a glass vase.
Personally, I do not believe the Earth is flat. Any visual “Observations” to that effect are in my humble opinion influenced by the bending of light due to Earth’s Atmosphere, Magnetic Field, and/or Gravitational Lensing (t.b.d.). 🌎 – DEW
Mirages are nature's version of optical illusions. Variables like the path of light particles, the curvature of the Earth and air temperature can create false images that the eye is convinced are real [source of the photo:]
This superior mirage is called Fata Morgana .On a calm day, light passes through layers of air, different temperatures. The air closest to the water is cooler, the significantly warmer air on top forms an atmospheric duct which acts like a refracting lens
USA, Alaska, Toolik Lake, Multiple exposure of midnight sun passing due north on summer night ~175 miles north of Arctic Circle
500px Photo ID: 67375461 – The phases of the Blood Moon Eclipse, April 15th 2014. It was a long night photographing all the phases of the eclipse in the Shasta Valley with my friend and mentor Sean Bagshaw. Go take a look at his photo on this natural event This was my first time ever shooting anything like this, so it was a learning experience no doubt.
«We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars» — Carl Sagan [The Earth-rise from Apollo 10]
Not for retail poster use Long-exposure photograph of the night sky in the southern hemisphere. The stars trace out circular arcs, called star trails, as a result of the Earth’s rotation. The different colours of the star trails are due to the different intrinsic colours of the stars themselves.
The International Space Station follows an (almost) circular path around the Earth. When you unfold that 3-dimensional circular path into a 2-dimensional Mercator map it appears like a sinusoidal wave. Here is an interesting visualization of this phenomenon.
#PlanckSizeSphere#SpaceTime#GravityBubbles squeezed-out at the surface of #FallingBodies in #SpiralCurvilinearMotion, wrap-around numerous times on a #SlightAngle, to re-enter through the poles at opposite #HemispheresOfGlobe, #PushingMatter toward the surface along the way, as #MatterCompress at the surface due to the #EffectsOfSpin.
An unidentified flying object ( UFO ) is any aerial phenomenon that cannot be identified or explained, & assumed to be of extraterrestrial origin.
Ezekiel 10:9-11 Then I looked and saw four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside each cherub. And the wheels gleamed like a beryl stone. 10 As for their appearance,all fourhad the sameform,likea wheel withina wheel.11 When they moved, they would go in any of the four directions, without turning as they moved. But wherever the head faced, they would go in that direction, without turning as they went
NASA Parker Solar Probe is the first mission to Touch the Sun! The spacecraft will travel into the Sun’s atmosphere about 4 million miles from the surface.
The Parker Solar Probe is a NASA Space Probe launched in 2018 with the mission of making observations of the outer corona of the Sun. It will approach to within 9.86 solar radii from the center of the Sun, and by 2025 will travel, at closest approach, as fast as 690,000 km/h, or 0.064% the speed of light.
A Giant is a legendary being of great stature and strength, someone of great size, a person of extraordinary powers, the mighty men of old, men of renown.
Once again there was a battle with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.
Testing Galileo's hypothesis on Falling Bodies like never before – dropping spheres from the Edge of Space (EOS) – To Learn How a Gravity Field is Produced !!!!!!