Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun and the 2nd smallest planet in the Solar System. Named after the Roman god of war and referred to as the “Red Planet”.

Acts 17:22-23 Then Paul stood up before the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I see that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I walked around and examined your objects of worship, I even found an altar with the inscription: To an unknown God. Therefore what you worship as something unknown, I now proclaim to you.
Clouds on #Mars (The Rover Opportunity on sol 956)
— Antonio Paris (@AntonioParis) May 17, 2018
Mawrth Vallis (Welsh: [maurθ]) (Mawrth means “Mars” in Welsh) is a valley on Mars, located in the Oxia Palus quadrangle at 22.3°N, 343.5°E with an elevation approximately two kilometers below datum. Situated between the southern highlands and northern lowlands, the valley is a channel formed by massive flooding which occurred in Mars’ ancient past.[1] It is an ancient water outflow channel with light-colored clay-rich rocks.
Mawrth Dinas
This site is an alternative location 60 km northwest of the rocky site identified in the “Urbanization Challenge”, to a relatively smooth and level terrain of hardened clays more suitable for development, in a region where wind-blown silty sands and clay materials have accumulated in surrounding craters, and are readily accessible for automated 3-d printing adobe-like, regolith shell cosmic radiation barriers, to encase Modular Assembly Reusable Structure (MARS), pressurized pneumatic habitation cylinders.
Mawrth Crystal planetary monument public art sculpture is a memorial celebration of humanity’s monumental achievement, and quantum leap forward in evolution, transplanting a germ of human life onto another planetary body, to become an extraterrestrial species.