A zeppelin is a kind of airship that was used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Zeppelins were flown by the German military during World War I. While Germany found many military uses for zeppelins during the first World War, they were also used for commercial air travel by both Germany and the United States.
DEW v BLM pursuant to (26 Stat. 391; 43 U.S.C. § 945) – Reservation in patents of right-of-way for ditches or canals, (31 Stat. 790; 43 U.S.C. § 959) – Rights-of-way for electrical plants, etc., and U.S. Patent #1233649.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL CHALLENGE – GRANTis Intended to streamline grant funding opportunities for new conservation and restoration projects around the U.S., the America the Beautiful Challenge consolidates funding from multiple federal agencies and the private sector to enable applicants to conceive and develop large-scale projects that address shared funder priorities and span public and private lands.
Bog Catchment will revitalize the historic F.E. ditches and canal into a sustainable catchment system to transport water harvested from rainfall and snowmelt runoff on Chena Ridge, into Cripple Creek!
On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your descendants I have given this land—from the river of Egypt to the great River Euphrates— 19 the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20Hittites,Perizzites,Rephaites,21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.”
Orbital Yachts are Searl Effect generated #ElectroGravitic, disc-shaped craft used for traveling around in air and space for pleasure, in Low Earth Orbit and Beyond!
The Professional Information Exchange facilitates construction planning in the nature of providing a Digital Repository of information online via the Internet in the fields of architecture, engineering, surveying, other professions, and trades associated with the construction industry.
Bim (or BIM) refers to information about real property and its attributes, and also to the process of originating, storing, updating and sharing this information. The acronym (BIM) is known in the art as an acronym for “Building Information Model,” “Building Information Modeling,” or Building Information Management. Bim is also known in the art to encompass information regarding all real property, including but not limited to land and the geographical features it encompasses (e.g., bodies of water), structures on land such as utility poles, equipment, etc., and is scalable to encompass information about properties related to subatomic particles (e.g., nano-robots), and celestial bodies in space (e.g., galaxies), including but not limited to existing in present reality, in a computer-generated “reality” or any other technology-simulated virtual world or dimension.
There has never existed the ability for a maintained record of every stakeholder (anyone with information about real property) having involvement on any property (at any scale throughout space in real or virtual realities) and an indexing system to access the information they have pertaining to it, utilizing a unique and intelligent Real Property Index Number (RPIN), to facilitate a Real Property Information Network (bimpage) that can be used commercially.
A Clear and PresentDanger is a risk or threat to safety or other public interests that is serious and imminent, especially: one that justifies limitation of a right (as freedom of speech or press) by the legislative or executive branch of government.
Daniel 2:44 In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever.
Daniel 2:45 And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”
Job 41:10-11 No one is so fierce as to rouse Leviathan. Then who is able to stand against Me? 11 Who has given to Me that I should repay him? Everything under heaven is Mine.
GREECE – SEPTEMBER 04: Engraving by J Chapman of the many-headed monster of Greek mythology. To kill the monster was the second labour of Hercules. He did this by cutting off each head and then burning the neck to prevent two new heads appearing. Illustration from �Encyclopaedia Londinensis, or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature� published in London, 1810-1829. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
Testing Galileo's hypothesis on Falling Bodies like never before – dropping spheres from the Edge of Space (EOS) – To Learn How a Gravity Field is Produced !!!!!!