How does Gravity do Work?

The Coral Castle

How does Gravity do Work? Gravity Pushes as Gravity Bubbles in Spiral Curvilinear motion, induced by the rotation of the Observable Universe CMBoSphere, emerge as Matter Compresses.

Ed Leedskalnin’s device

How did Edward Leedskalnin defy gravity while building his Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida?


3D Laser Printing Drones?

Outstanding in the field !?

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #STEAM

Who — or what — is making them?

They’re so pretty…

Crop Circle Films

HUMAN #GravityTek
HUMAN GravityTechnology

Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire …!

Revelation 13:13   And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people.


🎆 #SpaceRenaissance
🎡 #WheelsWithinWheels
🧿 #OrbitalYachts
🦋 #TheLightStuff
‼️ #ToBoldlyGoFurther
🚀 #YabbaDabbaDoo
🚫 #NotRocketScience
🏁 #EndCombustion

Rush DEW!

Rock and Roll!

Rush. Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation.

Space and Time!

Rush Dew

Judges 6:36-38  Then Gideon said to God, “If You are going to save Israel by my hand, as You have said, 37 then behold, I will place a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that You are going to save Israel by my hand, as You have said.” 38 And that is what happened. When Gideon arose the next morning, he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew  a bowlful of water.

Rush Dew

Judges 6:39-40  Then Gideon said to God, “Do not be angry with me; let me speak one more time. Please allow me one more test with the fleece. This time let it be dry, and the ground covered with dew.” 40 And that night God did so. Only the fleece was dry, and dew covered the ground.




Doo Wah Diddy



In the moment

Genesis 27:28-29  So he came near and kissed him. When Isaac smelled his clothing, he blessed him and said: “Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the LORD has blessed. 28 May God give to you the dew of heaven and the richness of the earth— an abundance of grain and new wine. 29 May peoples serve you and nations bow down to you. May you be the master of your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed, and those who bless you be blessed.”




The Distant Early Warning Line, also known as the DEW Line or Early Warning Line, was a system of radar stations in the far northern Arctic region of Canada, with additional stations along the North Coast and Aleutian Islands of Alaska.

Run Like Hell !

direct energy weapon



Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades, neutralizes, defeats, or destroys an adversarial capability.

3… 2… 1…

I got this…

3… 2… 1… is mainly US informal. used to tell someone that you can or will deal with something: It’s OK, I got this.

Might as well JUMP!


Go for it!

#ilookup – 1 down 8 to go . . .

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Nine Lives

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Be Loyal !

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Now, Sit-up straight and pay attention!

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Be On Time!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas


#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Show your love.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Be Inquisitive . . !

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Try not to conform . . .

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Be Curious!

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Don’t be a Pushover !

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Elvis has left the building . . .

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Think it through!

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You May Take It On The Chin . . !

Be transparent . . .

Show Respect

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Be humble.  Pride goes before a fall.

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Put your stuff in order, then Run like hell!

Don’t get it . . ?

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3… 2… 1…

Give it all you’ve got!

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yes I am no I’m not . . . yes I am no I’m not . . . yes I am not

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It’s easier than it looks!


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It sometimes helps to get  running start!

Forward Thinking

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

We live inside a #SpaceTime #GravityBubble

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

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Look at things differently?

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Leave a small carbon footprint.

Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet.

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Try not to over react!

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and don’t get bent outta shape.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

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Don’t let others ruffle your feathers . . .

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Know when to let go!

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Just be Nice!

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Don’t let ’em monkey with ya!

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Practice Yoga

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Take time to reflect . . .

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Be Gentle.

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. . . chillax . . .

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Avoid Brain Freeze!

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Don’t get #Buffaloed

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Come at it from a different angle.

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Stay Sharp

Dare to Challenge!

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Fight or Flight!

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Sport the hair!

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Work your abs !!

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Get a good night’s sleep!

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Don’t be an idiot.

Be a cat.

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Be careful who you hang around . . .

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

It’s ok to fail . . .

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Go All In!

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Be sure you have an exit plan!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas


Be part of the equation.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Learn from your elders. – Felinestein


Repeat . . .

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Practice makes Purrfect!

It’s ok to strut your stuff!

Keep your eyes pealed for opportunities!

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If there’s something you want, don’t stop ’til you get it!


3… 2… 1…

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #ISS, #FallingBodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #STEAM
Hang in there…!

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Use every ounce of energy!

Don’t be a couch potato.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

“Life is like a box of chocolates.”

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Protect what’s yours!

Realize, not everyone will listen.

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Don’t get lured-in . . .

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Hone your 6th sense . . .

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

“not so fast . . .” – Trust your friends.

Watch your 6  . . .

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Be careful who you try and mess with . . .

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Don’t be a Sour Puss.

3… 2… 1…

Elevate your Game!

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Stick-up for the little guys

Be Amazed!

Keep your cool.

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Drink plenty of water.

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Hold your breath and count to 10 . . ?

Use the Force . . .

Overcome Obstacles!

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OR Undercome them . . ?

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Have a Strong Positive Attitude – no matter what!

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Don’t let’em dawg ya!

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Stand your ground!

Take it all in stride.

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Mix it up!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Don’t be shy.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

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Be Ferocious !!!

2 Thessalonians 3:10  For even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat.”

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Slide into Action!

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Try to intimidate them . . !

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Float Like a Butterfly . . .

Sting like a bee!

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Timing is everything!


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Try to confuse ’em.

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Move faster than the other guy!

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If you can, Run circles around ’em!

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Send them off spinning

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Put your own spin on it.

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Start a chain reaction!

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Share and share alike.

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Spring into Action!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Purrrsue the reward!

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Let it Roll!

Never Give Up !!!

Be full of surprises . . !

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Razzle Dazzle ’em

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Do not Blink!

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Be Ready !!!

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Be Agile !!!

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Juke ’em good!

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Leave ’em Speachless

Better to show appreciation

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Stay in your Center . .

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Stick the Landing!

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Make the most of every opportunity . . .

Use the Buddy System

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

It’s ok to rub shoulders with quacks?

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Don’t get psychic-ed

Keep your ass outta trouble.

Horse around . . .

Take time to smell the flowers.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Take cat naps.

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Exit stage Up!

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Be sure to stretch.

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Put on your game face!

76 Twitter Link

Be Fearless!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

Don’t be intimidated.

Look’em straight in the eyes!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

When ever possible, have a good laugh!

Ready . . . Break!

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas

. . . uh

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #Lavapolis, #STEAM, #MARSbase, #MawrthDinas




Gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter.

#BigBang #CMB #HorizonProblem #Mandalas #CosmicMicrowaveBackground #Boundary of the #ObservableUniverse is #EvenlyDistributed #InEveryDirection #AboveEarth as #WMAP #PreciselyMeasured. How's #Earth #Form at the #UniversalCentroid #9BillionYears after #Inflation?


Aristotle during the Greek days was considered a master; he proclaimed “heavier objects will fall faster”.

Galileo later was to say an assumption, accepted as valid today, “all objects accelerate at the same rate regardless of what they weigh”.

Sir Isaac Newton expanded upon this notion, and developed his theory of gravitation and the three laws of motion.

Albert Einstein had an ingenious mind; he stated “gravity is a distortion in the geometry of space and time”.

Lloyd Zirbes after years of tests contends, “all objects do not accelerate at the same rate my friends”.


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Stick the landing or die trying . . .

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It’s easy !

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Sometimes you win . . .

Sometimes your taken for a ride . . .

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Who needs balls . . .?

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Rope Theory

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Testing Galileo's hypothesis on Falling Bodies like never before – dropping spheres from the Edge of Space (EOS) – To Learn How a Gravity Field is Produced !!!!!!