Tag Archives: #DEW



7 Spherical Magnets?

#FallingBodies #GravityTest #DEW
Saturn’s Hexagon

7 Spherical Magnets of the same size also Form a Hexagon.

Does this image peer deeper than the surface and reveal a hollow hexagonal “core”?

Is “Gravity-A” (Bubbles of Nothing) reentering along the spin axis?



Isaiah 64:8  But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.

Magnetic Reconnection

Breaking and Remaking of Magnetic Flux Lines

The Future is Bright!

Could “Gravity-B” (Bubbles of Nothing) be produced and accelerate away when magnetic flux lines break and reconnect?

Equivalence Principle

Without Electromagnetic Influence

Gravity Test in a Vacuum Chamber

If objects could “fall” a greater distance would they naturally begin to spin and become electrically charged?

Would objects with a higher magnetic permeability have an increase in charge and naturally become repelled by earth’s magnetic field – thus reducing their rate of acceleration?


Plasma Barrier

Van Allen Radiation Belts

#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #STEAM
Van Allen Radiation Belts

NASA explanation


#DEW, #DiamondAgeofArchitecture, #EdgeofSpace, #Fallingbodies, #GravityRevolution, #GravityTest, #STEAM
Shields up!

Shields electrons out and traps electrons in – the more electrons the hotter it gets!


2 Peter 3:10-12  But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 11  Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!

What is Gravity?

Breaking Magnetic Field Lines (Gravity B)

What is Gravity? A Force exerted by the acceleration of  Magnetic Field Encapsulated VOIDS (Spacetime Gravity Bubbles), created  by breaking Electromagnetic Flux Lines.

Plasma Barrier

Do Gravitons (aka “Gravity Bubbles”) move in perpendicular paths to the magnetic field electrons and over greater distances?

Does Magnetic Reconnection produce Gravity B?

Van Allen Radiation Belt



How does Gravity do Work?

The Coral Castle

How does Gravity do Work? Gravity Pushes as Gravity Bubbles in Spiral Curvilinear motion, induced by the rotation of the Observable Universe CMBoSphere, emerge as Matter Compresses.

Ed Leedskalnin’s device

How did Edward Leedskalnin defy gravity while building his Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida?
