Category Archives: d. Counterhypotheses

Present counterhypotheses to that of Galileo’s.


7 Spherical Magnets?

#FallingBodies #GravityTest #DEW
Saturn’s Hexagon

7 Spherical Magnets of the same size also Form a Hexagon.

Does this image peer deeper than the surface and reveal a hollow hexagonal “core”?

Is “Gravity-A” (Bubbles of Nothing) reentering along the spin axis?


Isaiah 64:8  But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.

Magnetic Reconnection

Breaking and Remaking of Magnetic Flux Lines

The Future is Bright!

Could “Gravity-B” (Bubbles of Nothing) be produced and accelerate away when magnetic flux lines break and reconnect?

Equivalence Principle

Without Electromagnetic Influence

Gravity Test in a Vacuum Chamber

If objects could “fall” a greater distance would they naturally begin to spin and become electrically charged?

Would objects with a higher magnetic permeability have an increase in charge and naturally become repelled by earth’s magnetic field – thus reducing their rate of acceleration?




Gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter.

#BigBang #CMB #HorizonProblem #Mandalas #CosmicMicrowaveBackground #Boundary of the #ObservableUniverse is #EvenlyDistributed #InEveryDirection #AboveEarth as #WMAP #PreciselyMeasured. How's #Earth #Form at the #UniversalCentroid #9BillionYears after #Inflation?


Aristotle during the Greek days was considered a master; he proclaimed “heavier objects will fall faster”.

Galileo later was to say an assumption, accepted as valid today, “all objects accelerate at the same rate regardless of what they weigh”.

Sir Isaac Newton expanded upon this notion, and developed his theory of gravitation and the three laws of motion.

Albert Einstein had an ingenious mind; he stated “gravity is a distortion in the geometry of space and time”.

Lloyd Zirbes after years of tests contends, “all objects do not accelerate at the same rate my friends”.


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Stick the landing or die trying . . .

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It’s easy !

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Sometimes you win . . .

Sometimes your taken for a ride . . .

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Who needs balls . . .?

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Rope Theory

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