The Observable Universe is all SpaceTime and Matter contained within a Sphere-Shaped “Expanse”, bound by the CMBoSphere (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation).

ESA shows Earth in the Center of the Geocentric Universe

“Flat Universe” Hypothesis . . . ?

Given: The observable universe is a sphere of power encompassing all space, time, energy and matter, within a dark, deep, formless, void (bottomless pit), and earth is located at the centroid.
Premise_1: The furthermost distance back in spacetime that we see is the Cosmic Microwave Background (plasma energy) EVENLY distributed around earth, and a spacetime separation (chasm) between all matter and the Cosmic Microwave Background is increasing.
Premise_2: The furthest extent of matter originated with and at Cosmic Microwave Background.
Premise_3: Everything is imploding (falling away) from, within the Cosmic Microwave Background, forever compressing toward the center of the void (abyss).
Hypothesis: “Atoms Implosion”. (Hypothesis f Everything) #Time; #4thDimension #ReductionInScale is #PassageOfSpace #EmergingFrom and #FlowingThrough #AllMatter in the #Observable #GeoCentricUniverse as it #Compresses along the #ArrowOfMatter to #UniversalCentroid #VectorEquilibrium at the #SpeedOfTime, equal to the #UniversalDecayRate.
The passage of SpaceTime flows into a growing Chasm separation, between the furthest extent of matter in the universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background (third Heaven), establishing total separation of Light from utter Darkness in the Deep Void.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.