Uuh… Houston?!


April 30, 2014

Dear Mr. Ways:

The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. (CASIS) would like to thank you for the

Step-1 proposal entitled “ISS Falling Bodies Gravity Test (IFBGT)” submitted in response to CASIS RFP 2014-2, “Enabling Technology To Support Science in Space For Life On Earth“.

The proposal has undergone preliminary operational, scientific, and economic evaluation. While CASIS found the proposed experiment to be interesting, unfortunately, based on the preliminary review, CASIS found the proposed project was not responsive to the RFP as it did not demonstrate an Earth benefit for ISS National Laboratory research; therefore, is unable to invite you to submit a full Step-2 Proposal at this time.

CASIS would like to once again thank you for submitting the proposal and invites applicants to resubmit at a later date once the areas defined above have been addressed.

CASIS wishes you continued success in your research.

Sincerely yours,