Super Blue Blood Moon


The lunar event, called a Super Blue Blood Moon, features the second full moon of the month, known as a Blue Moon, and total lunar eclipse at the same time.

Super Blue Blood Moon


Super Blue Blood Moon

Sunrise a few minutes later

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Super Blue Blood Moon

Mister Anderson

Joshua 10:13  So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation took vengeance upon its enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? “So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.”

Super Blue Blood Moon

Super Blue Blood Moon

totally eclipsed Moon is sometimes called a blood moon due to its reddish color, which is caused by Earth completely blocking direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. The only light reflected from the lunar surface has been refracted by Earth’s atmosphere. This light appears reddish for the same reason that a sunset or sunrise does: the Rayleigh scattering of bluer light.

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Genesis 1:16-18  God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. 17 God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18  and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good.

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